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Balanced Nutrition: Universal Truths

By Kim Plessel, MS, RDN, LD

There are many conflicting messages about what to eat to feel healthier. So many in fact that many of us don’t even know what to eat any more. “Don’t give up,” says Kim Plessel, RDN, Oakdale ObGyn’s registered dietitian. “Instead, ground yourself in these time-honored, science-based universal truths.”

Universal Truths for Healthier Eating

Food choices should be sustainable. Evolve your food choices slowly, in a pattern you can continue for the rest of your life. Think “lifestyle” for success.

Plant-slant. Healthy eating is based on a varied intake of plant-based food. Although five a day is a worthy goal, research shows 9 to 10 servings of fruits and veggies is best.

Enough calories. Don’t stress your body by starving it. Depriving yourself leads to countless metabolic responses that ultimately sabotage you. Eat enough to power your day-to-day activities.

Hara hachi bu. A phrase from one of the world’s the longest living populations in Okinawa, Japan, can remind you to practice eating until you are 80% full.

Be unique. We all have unique nutrition needs according to age, healthy history, social and financial needs as well as food preferences. Healthy eating is no different. Find what works best for you.

Change it up. There is no one meal or food that is “the answer” to helping you meet your health goals. The power of healthy eating is celebrated when you vary your foods, chosen from a rainbow of seasonal choices that are grown close to home.

For information about how you can apply these “universal truths” in your life, request an appointment with Dietician Kim. Call 763-587-7000 or visit